How to request an appointment
You can request an appointment in the following ways:
- By using our online services, SystmOnline – if you are not registered to use this service, please register for our online services.
- Calling the surgery on 01603 867481.
On the day appointments
We offer a daily triage service between the hours of 08.30am-10.30am where our triage trained patient co-ordinators will take a brief history of your problem.
Our Duty Doctor will then assess and determine the most appropriate course of action for you which may include a face to face or telephone consultation, arranging initial investigations such as blood tests, booking an advanced appointment or signposting you to alternative service.
Please note that a doctor will still be available throughout the working day if you have a medical emergency.
Urgent appointments
Patients seen in urgent appointments by one of our practitioners should be aware that they might not be able to see their own usual practitioner and that the appointment time may be restricted or delayed.
Appointment length
Nurses – the duration of these appointments varies depending on patient needs. For example, a standard appointment for a cervical smear is 15 minutes, for an asthma review 20 minutes and a standard appointment for a travel consultation 30 minutes.
If you require a longer appointment, please let us know!