
How to request an appointment

You can request an appointment in the following ways:

On the day appointments

We offer a daily triage service between the hours of 08.30am-10.30am where our triage trained patient co-ordinators will take a brief history of your problem.

Our Duty Doctor will then assess and determine the most appropriate course of action for you which may include a face to face or telephone consultation, arranging initial investigations such as blood tests, booking an advanced appointment or signposting you to alternative service.

Please note that a doctor will still be available throughout the working day if you have a medical emergency.

Urgent appointments

Patients seen in urgent appointments by one of our practitioners should be aware that they might not be able to see their own usual practitioner and that the appointment time may be restricted or delayed.

Quote / Testimonial:

Appointment length

Doctors – the duration of a standard appointment with a doctor is 15 minutes. As a practice we do offer longer appointments for more complex consultations including gynaecological examinations, and more than one problem. Please let us know if you require more than 10 minutes with a doctor.

Nurses – the duration of these appointments varies depending on patient needs. For example, a standard appointment for a cervical smear is 15 minutes, for an asthma review 20 minutes and a standard appointment for a travel consultation 30 minutes.

If you require a longer appointment, please let us know!

If you or your children have a rash or spots which could be infectious, please let the us know when you request your appointment. The patient coordinator will then arrange for you to be seated in a location to minimise the risk of cross infection. If you feel faint, nauseous or are in pain in the reception area, please tell the patient coordinator who will arrange more appropriate seating or call a practitioner to attend.

The Improved Access Service has been replaced as an Enhanced Access Service offering acute GP appointments, medication reviews, phlebotomy clinics, first contact physiotherapy, bp and wound care amongst others.

The sessions include day time and evening / weekend appointments and are pre-bookable via the surgery.

If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason, please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else. The surgery often has up to 160 patients per month who do not attend their appointments and these could have been given to people who need them.

Contact us online

There is now a new way to contact us online called PATCHS.